Episode 13 - Living in Alignment with JJ DiGeronimo

By Jessica Garrison

Our guest this week is JJ DiGeronimo, an author and former tech industry leader. Her books, Accelerate Your Impact, The Working Woman’s GPS, and Seeking have all been met with critical acclaim, and she has won various awards for writing about her journey through life and what can help other women achieve success. She’s also been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Thrive Global, so if this episode isn’t enough, there’s plenty more work by JJ DiGeronimo to discover!

Self-care changes daily for JJ, but no matter what she’s doing for the day, it all starts with creating a space to be able to achieve whatever goal she sets for herself. No matter what she has planned for the day, JJ reminds herself, “I can only be as good as the amount of time I invest in myself.” Ignoring self-care to get other items on the to-do list done can feel good at first, but it all catches up after a while. Even if it doesn't seem like there’s enough time, make sure you’re getting what you need throughout each day.

JJ found herself overcommitting in all aspects of her life, and it caused an “energy leak.” The more she would say yes to, the larger the leak would grow, and soon, everything she was saying yes to would cause an energy leak. JJ learned to readjust her “yes” and began to say yes to things she wanted to put her energy into, so she wouldn’t waste time on things she didn’t actually want to do.

Another thing JJ had to learn on her journey is to be mindful. Not only when it came to her self-care and setting boundaries, but she also learned to be more mindful about her emotional health being connected to her physical health. If a situation ended differently from the way she had hoped, JJ learned to ask herself, “Why am I in this situation?” Did she say “yes” to too many energy-draining activities? Did she complete the self-care routine she’d set up for herself? Is she not keeping up with her emotional or physical well-being? It’s about getting to the root of the situation, rather than writing it off as someone else’s fault or just a coincidence. A tool she uses to help her find out more of what she needs or if she’s keeping up with her boundaries is a column chart. She’ll use this to help her decide which things she should say yes to. For example, she’ll ask herself, “What is the commitment? Who’s asking for this favor? Does it align with where I am now or where I want to go?” All of these questions can help lead her down the path she wants to follow, and it’s definitely a piece of advice I’ll be tucking away for later.

JJ also mentioned having a “whisper” that told her to start a women’s group, to write a book, and other ideas to help support women. She used to ignore it and had self-doubt about her abilities, but in 2008, she decided to stop trying to be perfect and just do the best she could. Without the stress and pressure of overmanaging, JJ has been able to pursue her dreams. Over the years, she’s stumbled and fallen, but she continues to get back up and JJ is excited for the future as she says how it’s an exciting time for women, and we’re here for a reason.

The whisper she was always hearing helped JJ discover her “why,” and working with women has enlightened her. Writing books and getting her thoughts out there are not only helping her find a medium to put her passion into, but they also help all the people who read them or are looking for a fresh start. JJ says she doesn’t always realize how negative times are until it’s over, but no matter the difficulty, she continues to reach out through her work and supports women in her everyday life.

It’s not easy to live out of your own expectations, but JJ has learned that it’s easier to do so when you’re really honest with yourself. Sometimes, there are going to be things you just can’t expect to achieve. An example JJ provided is if you really want a promotion at work, but you work in a place where the boss doesn’t promote women, then you can’t count on getting the promotion. You can do all the hard work to get there, but the environment needs to change for you to be able to reach your goal, and these are the types of things we need to be thinking about in the back of our minds. Your time is important, and if you’re going to spend it working towards something, it’s important to start life’s work from within. There are times when the work can’t be done alone, and that’s when it’s time to look to those around you. Asking for support isn’t a bad thing, and surrounding yourself with those who encourage you is all a part of the journey.

JJ found a lot of freedom in exploring her layers, and she reminds us that there’s so much greatness to discover within yourself. Even the tiniest bit of progress deserves to be celebrated, and we have to remember that we can’t take on the world’s problems; sometimes it’s better to start small. It takes time and practice to be able to connect with your “higher self.” Not everyone is in a space to begin their journey, but it’s never too late to start when you’re ready.

Towards the end of this episode, JJ says, “I like myself a lot more,” and it’s such an admirable thing to say. I used to be in a dark place where I didn’t like anything about myself, and so many people feel that way. However, her journey through F.E.E.L. has been eye-opening for JJ, and she appreciates where she is now so much more because of it. She’s able to look back and see where she started and just how far she’s come.

If you’re interested in learning more about JJ, you can visit her website where you can check out her books, schedule her as a speaker, listen to her podcast, and even join her on a retreat! We appreciate JJ sharing her story with us and reminding us that it’s never too late to work towards your passion.

Ways to Engage: Next time someone asks for a favor, try making a column chart like JJ does. Ask yourself, “Is it worth the time?” “Does this person constantly ask me for favors and doesn’t deliver in return?” “Will this help me reach my end goal?” Find out what questions work for you and discover what boundaries need to be put in place. 


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