Episode 9 - Self-Care From the Inside Out with Michele Folan

By Jessica Garrison

Our fellow podcast friend, Michele Folan, joins Melissa in a transformative conversation about personal growth while staying true to who you are. Michele’s character traits include being persuasive, passionate, a perfectionist, a procrastinator, and a people person.

In the past, Michele thought she had to “earn” self-care, which I have definitely experienced before. We think we have to finish x, y, z to be able to treat ourselves, but taking care of yourself shouldn’t come with conditions—you deserve the best for yourself. Michele displays this perfectly, especially while discussing her self-care journey.

Worrying about external factors used to negatively affect Michele’s boundaries, and FOMO was a huge part of this. I’ve heard lots of people describe this feeling (myself included) and how FOMO can cause them to overwork themselves. However, it all adds up and you’ll definitely be feeling the stress later on, and Michele is able to share her experience in this.

Taking walks and prayer have been monumental in Michele’s journey with her taking care of her physical and mental health. Walking has taken care of the physical aspect of her journey, whereas prayer has healed the spiritual connection with her body. The way she describes this connection during the segment is quite inspiring and can be influential in getting your journey started in these areas.

Michele is a big believer that there’s room for everyone at the table, just as we are at the F.E.E.L. Podcast. Everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard, and we don’t need to tear one another down to fight for a spot at the table—we can simply add another chair.

Being true to herself has not only affected Michele’s why, but also the expectations she has for herself. It’s important that she is living her life authentically, a goal we hope to see every woman reach. Her journey in this has come with obstacles, but we’re able to see her overcome them throughout this episode.

When speaking about her layers, Michele mentions that she sometimes has imposter syndrome, which is a conversation I’ve had many times. If you haven’t heard of imposter syndrome before, you’ve probably seen or experienced it at least once in your life. Michele and Melissa explain it perfectly, and I’m glad it was brought up during this talking point.

Living out F.E.E.L. has helped Michele in her personal life. After starting her own podcast, Asking for a Friend, Michele has been having more meaningful conversations. Her elaboration of this will have you wanting to hear more from her.

Although Michele’s podcast is aimed toward midlife women, I still encourage everyone to take a listen. There’s always something new to learn and share, especially when going on a journey with yourself. Michele has done incredible work in supporting women through her podcast, and we appreciate all she does for the community.

Ways to Engage: Michele mentions how she doesn’t want to feel left out at times, and that has caused conflict with her boundaries in the past. Is there a time when you’ve experienced this as well? How did that affect your body and mental health? Next time this comes up, try making a list of pros and cons—prioritize what feels right for you.


Episode 10 - Finding Her Value Through the Infertility Journey with Lana Manikowski


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